Cainon Leeds

I'm a business intelligence consultant by day, an active member of the Des Moines Poetry Workshop by night, and a Christian, husband, and father 24/7.

My poetry has been described as thought-provoking and academic, yet in an accessible way rather than a stuffy way. I have delusions of grandeur of becoming a real life John Keating from Dead Poets Society, and I think my poetry is a reflection of that. My poetry tends to explore history, philosophy, psychology, and Christianity.

To put food on the table, I've administered both Power BI and Tableau environments, gotten certifications in both tools, built pretty decent dashboards if I do say so myself, and I fell in love with Microsoft's Power Platform somewhere along the way.

Photo by Ashton Jordan

I wrote a chapbook; it's about dead people.

Dead a Fortnight: Volume I reimagines historical figures like Napoleon Bonaparte, Emily Dickinson, and Anne Frank through poetry and AI generated art.

It brings the dead back to life to show you that they're not just names and dates in a textbook; they were people too. They had hopes and dreams and character flaws, same as anyone else. In short, they weren't so different from you.

And though some of them have been dead a long time according to history, according to the soul, they might as well have died yesterday.

I don't want to tell you what to do with your life, but you really should check it out sometime.
